Dr. Dragan S Petakov is a male Internal Medicine Doctor (taxonomy code 207R00000X) located in Lowell, Massachusetts. Dr. Dragan S Petakov's NPI Number is #1629030622 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 15 years. Dr. Dragan S Petakov's practice location is listed as: 275 Varnum Ave Ste 201 Lowell, MA 01854 and can be reached via phone at (978) 452-9700.
Dr. Dragan S Petakov, MD is a Internist - General practicing in Lowell, MA He has not yet shared a personalized biography with Doctor.com.
He graduated with honors in 1990. Having more than 31 years of diverse experiences, especially in INTERNAL MEDICINE, Dr. Dragan Petakov affiliates with Lowell General Hospital, cooperates with many other doctors and specialists in medical group Riverside Medical Group Pc. Dr. Dragan Petakov in Lowell, MA. Dr. Dragan Petakov specializes in hospice palliative care, practices at 275 Varnum Avenue, phone number, opening hours, doctor nearby. Dr. Dragan Petakov, MD is an Internist. Read more to learn about Dr. Dragan Petakov, MD's background, education, and other specialties. condition, procedure, doctor name Read patient ratings of Dragan Petakov, practicing General Practice doctor in Lowell, MA S čím nám doktor pomohl. Odeslat. Podobní doktoři.
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Suite 201. Dracut, MA 01826. Join Our Physician Team! Your privacy is important to us. Dr. Dragan Petakov graduated from Other in 1990. Dr. Petakov has two offices in Massachusetts where he specializes in Internal Medicine.
Dr. Dragan Petakov 275 Varnum Avenue, Suite #201 Lowell, MA 01854 Ph: 978.452.9700 Fax: 978.441.6075 Specialty: Internal Medicine Medical School: School of Medicine
ZAMENIK DIREKTORA KLINIKE ZA ALERGOLOGIJU I IMUNOLOGIJU Prof. dr Aleksandra Perić Popadić Kontakt telefon: +387 (0)11 366 3193. GLAVNA SESTRA KLINIKE ZA ALERGOLOGIJU I IMUNOLOGIJU Vms Suzana Babić Kontakt telefon: +387 (0)11 366 3222 Dr Vladan Živaljević je specijalista opšte hirurgije, endokrini hirurg.
Dragan Petakov in LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS accepts Health Insurance Plans from Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Anthem BCBS, Cigna, Coventry Health Care, HCC Life, Harvard Pilgrim, Medical Mutual, Celtic, IHC Group, Tufts Health Plan, Golden Rule Insurance, UnitedHealthcare, Medicaid. Get information on the doctor and which Health Insurance Plans are accepted.
u Beogradu. Diplomirao je na Medicinskom Fakultetu u Beogradu 1998. god. Specijalistički staž iz Neurohirurgije obavljao je od 2000. do 2006. u KBC Zemun i na Klinici za Neurohirurgiju Kliničkog Centra Srbije. Magistrirao je na Medicinskom Fakultetu u Beogradu iz oblasti neurohirurgije 2003 Objednajte sa ONLINE!
About Dr. Dragan S. Petakov MD (he/him) is a surgeon in Lowell, MA. He has received an overall patient experience rating of 2.4 out of 5. For new and existing patients, please see recommendations on how to schedule an appointment with Dr. Petakov online. Detailed profile of Dr. Dragan S Petakov, MD, a Internist - General Lowell MA. See insurances he accepts. Read ratings and reviews from other patients.
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Profesor dr Milan Petakov, endokrinolog KC Srbije, o rizicima koji mogu da isprovociraju autoimune bolesti štitaste žlezde i o lečenju. Bisfenol A iz plastične ambalaže može da napravi razne probleme i da pokrene procese koji vode u određene bolesti AUTOIMUNE bolesti štitaste žlezde su u porastu u našoj zemlji, ali i u okruženju.
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Ja sam cula da je dobar dr Macut u KCS,ali imajuci u vidu proceduru zakazivanja,mislim da cu ici kod njega privatno. naime, vec sam bila u KCS, zakazali su mi dva meseca unapred,a onda su opet nesto pomerali, i na kraju kada sam dosla na red, primila me neka dr Pekic, koja ej fina,ljubazna,ali mi je odredila neku terapiju za koju mi ginekolog kaze da niposto ne uzimam,vec me salje kod Macuta.
Specijalistička internistička ordinacija "Vita Longa" osnovala je Dr Marijana Petakov, specijalista interne medicine, 2005.
1 Keith A. Wesnes,2 Cécile Luzy,3 Milan Petakov,4 Mirando Mrsic,5 Claus Dr. M. Erdos, Dr. F. Mechler, Dr. A. Saenz de Cabezon, and Mrs. M. Wiersma. Wellforce is a health system that is rethinking how academic and community centers, local and national businesses, and technology and service innovators can all 168 Industrial Park Dr Hospice. Northampton. 5/23/2007 65 Independence Dr Independence Park. Hyannis. 6/7/2007 Petakov, Dragan.